Return / Refund Policy

Returns and Refunds will be allowed under the following circumstances:

  1. You ordered the wrong item by mistake {A 10% handling fee will be charged, original transport costs are not refundable. Return shipping costs to be covered by the customer. Supply of correct item will be handled as a new order.}
  2. You decided you no longer want the item {A 10% handling fee will be charged, original transport costs are not refundable. Return shipping costs to be covered by the customer.}
  3. We supplied the wrong item {You can choose between a full refund or replacement. We will pay for transport to collect goods and replacement will be sent at our expense once we receive incorrect goods. If however you need replacement in a hurry, we will charge for replacement goods with transport costs and credit you once incorrect goods are returned.}
  4. Goods were wrongly described or different to the picture {You can choose between a full refund or replacement. We will pay for transport to collect goods and replacement will be sent at our expense once we receive incorrect goods. If however you need replacement in a hurry, we will charge for replacement goods with transport costs and credit you once incorrect goods are returned.}

Any product that was manufactured / modified or cut (in the case of rope, aluminium profiles, etc) by us to make up your order; may not be returned; unless incorrectly supplied or defective. Also, once the goods have been installed, affixed and / or amended in any way after receipt, we will not accept a return unless the goods are defective.
See point number 4. above on how these returns are to be handled.

Returns need to be arranged within 5 (five) days of receipt and the goods must be in an unused condition.

Any goods supplied by us are under the warranty provided by the manufacturer or importer/distributor. If goods become defective within their warranty period, please contact us so that we can invoke the warranty and follow the procedure as laid out by the manufacturer or importer/distributor.